Constitution and By-Laws
1.01: This organization shall be known as Logan Soccer Club. Hereafter, referred to as “Logan SC”. This Soccer organization will adhere to all regulations and guidelines as outlined by the South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League, under the auspices of the US Club Soccer.
2.01: The objective of Logan SC shall be to implant firmly in the children of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and reverence for authority so that they may be well adjusted, stronger, and happier children.
2.02: To achieve this objective Logan SC will provide a supervised program under the rules and regulations of the South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League, under the auspices of the New Jersey Youth Soccer Association. All Board of Directors, Officers, Coaches, Committee Members and Active Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skills or the winning of games is secondary, and the molding of future soccer citizens with the ability to understand the game of soccer while continually developing the players’ life skills with a sound sense of teamwork and fair play is of prime importance.
2.03: In accordance with section 501-(c)-(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, Logan SC shall operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program geared towards exercise, education and activities which promote competitive soccer games. No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual; no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and which does not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
3.01: Eligibility – Any person sincerely interested in active participation to affect the objectives of the Logan SC may apply to become a member. To apply for membership, you must do one of the following:
a) Properly fill out a Registration form and pay all applicable Participation / Registration Fees in full. NOTE: This qualifies a Player and his/her Parent(s) or Guardian(s).
b) Attend at least one monthly Logan SC Board Meeting per year and clearly announce your intent to become a member.
c) Be elected to the Executive Board (Officer), elected to the Board of Directors (Board Member or Committee Chairman / Co-Leader) or by election or appointment to a Committee.
Please see 3.02 and 9.03 for additional qualifications and or restrictions.
3.02: Classes – There shall be the following classes of members:
a) Player Members: Any player candidate meeting the requirements of the South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League under the auspices of the New Jersey Youth Soccer Association. Has properly completed a Logan SC Registration Form, signed the Logan SC Code of Conduct Form and paid all applicable Participation / Registration Fees, properly completed and supplied any subsequent documentation (including but not limited to NJYSA Membership Form, Medical Release Form, copy of Birth Certificate and a current picture for the appropriate session’s Player Pass) shall be eligible to participate but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Logan SC.
PLEASE NOTE: Player Members will NOT be permitted to participate in team practice sessions or games until a properly completed Registration Form, signed Logan SC Code of Conduct Form and all applicable Participation / Registration Fees have been received.
Eligible to participate means: The prospective Player Member has the opportunity to participate when all of the above criteria has been met and has been selected to a team based on the guidelines of the Player Selection process. (See Article IX Section 9.03 for details).
The Logan SC will permit non Logan Township residents to apply for Player Membership. The authorized boundaries of Logan Township currently include Beckett, Bridgeport and Repaupo. (See Article IX, Section 9.03 Player Selection for details).
b) Active Members: Committee Members, Parent(s) or Guardian(s) of a Player Member and any others so designated by the Board of Directors are declared Active Members.
c) Inactive Members: Any person who previously qualified as an Active Member but does not currently qualify as an Active Member.
d) Coaches: Any Active Member who has been selected and/or approved by the Board of Directors and accepts the rights, duties and obligations which are consistent with the rules and regulations of the South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League, under the auspices of the New Jersey Youth Soccer Association and guidelines of the Logan SC.
e) Board of Directors: Any Active Member in good standing (see 3.04 for details) who has been elected by a simple majority vote (See Article VII Section 7.01 for details) from all current Executive Board Members, members of the Board of Directors, Committee Chairman / Co-Leaders, Committee Members and Active Members, to one of the (15) Logan SC Board member positions or to the position of Committee Chairman / Co-Leader and/or currently holds a seat on the Board of Directors, which has certain rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Logan SC. NOTE: Only residents who reside within the authorized boundaries of Logan Township qualify for election to the Board of Directors.
f) Executive Board Members (Officers): A member from the Board of Directors in good standing who is elected by a simple majority vote from all current Executive Board Members, members of the Board of Directors, Committee Chairman / Co-Leaders, Committee Members and Active Members, which has certain rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Logan SC. NOTE: Only residents who reside within the authorized boundaries of Logan Township qualify for election to the Executive Board.
The Logan SC Secretary shall maintain the rules of membership to qualify voting members. The following shall constitute the voting rights for each member class:
a) Player Members: Under the age of 18 have no rights as it pertains to voting.
b) Active Members: Can vote at any Regular or Special meeting on any motion requiring a vote provided that the member is in the attendance of the meeting at the time the motion takes place. Exceptions are:
1) For any vote that would involve disciplinary action up to and including termination of any person from the membership or class of membership.
2) Voting is only permitted on eligible candidates for Executive Board Members at the bi-yearly Membership Meeting and for Board of Director positions, Committee Chairman Co-Leader positions at any Regular or Special meeting when a position becomes available or the Special Meeting which is called specifically for that purpose.
c) Inactive Members: Have no rights as it pertains to voting.
d) Coaches: Have the same rights as Active Members and additional rights for team and player selection as specified in Article IX.
e) Board of Directors: Have all rights regarding voting except as it pertains to disciplinary action. Committee Chairman / Co-Leaders do not have any rights as it pertains to disciplinary action. Only Board Members can vote as it pertains to disciplinary action.
f) Executive Board Members: Have all rights regarding voting.
The effective dates of the annual membership will run from August 1st through July 31st. This will cover the Fall Session and the following Spring Session. Please note that these two Sessions are in two different calendar years.
3.03: Other affiliations – Members whether Active or Player, can be affiliated with another organization or group, which will not preclude qualification as a member of the Logan SC. NOTE: Board Members, Coaches, Committee Members, Committee Chairman / Co-Leaders can be affiliated with another organization or group provided their involvement and/or conduct is not considered as detrimental to the best interest of the Logan SC and/or violates the township Code of Conduct or the Logan SC Code of Conduct.
3.04: Suspension or Termination – Membership or position may be suspended or terminated by willful resignation of a position or status or by disciplinary action imposed by the Logan SC Board upon completion of an investigation to any charges or grievances brought against that member. NOTE: Position or Membership status as it pertains to “in good standing” could be jeopardized as a result of disciplinary action.
The Logan SC Board by a two-thirds vote of all Logan SC Board Members then serving at any duly constituted meeting, shall have the authority to discipline, suspend, or terminate the membership or position of any member thereof whose conduct is considered as detrimental to the best interest of the Logan SC and/or violates the township Code of Conduct or the Logan SC Code of Conduct. If all Board Members cannot be in attendance for this meeting and or a Disciplinary Committee oversees the meeting, all Board Members will be provided the Minutes of the meeting in order to formulate a decision on the matter and cast their votes.
The member involved shall be notified prior to any such meeting, informed of the general nature of the charges or grievances and given the opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer / refute such charges or grievances. If the member is unable to attend the meeting, that member shall provide to the Logan SC Board, the reason that precludes their attending the meeting. If the reason is then determined by the Logan SC Board to be of special circumstances the meeting will be rescheduled to a later date and not to exceed (2) calendar weeks from the original scheduled meeting date. Note: If the special circumstances require this member to be unavailable during this (2) week period, then the (2) week period will begin the day after the special circumstance has ended. If the reason is not found to be of special circumstances, the meeting will proceed without the member present.
The Logan SC Board shall, in the case of a Player Member, give notice to the coach of the team of which the player is a member. Said coach may-if desired by the player’s parent(s) / guardian(s) appear, in the capacity of an advisor, with the player before the Logan SC Board or a duly appointed Disciplinary Committee of the Logan SC Board (of not less than (6) six Board Members), which shall have full power to suspend or revoke such player’s, right to future participation.
In the event that the concerned member is a minor child, notification shall be made to his/her parent(s) or guardian(s). The parent(s)/guardian(s) shall have the opportunity to accompany or represent the minor child at all proceedings.
For behavior related problems, the member may be responsible for fines and penalties levied by external organizations. The Logan SC Executive Board will have discretion to review each case individually. All final determinations will be recorded for a matter of record and act as precedence for future or similar cases.
4.01: A reasonable Club participation / registration fee will be assessed as the parent(s) / guardian(s) obligation to assure the operational continuity of the Logan SC. At no time should the inability to pay any fee hinder the participation in any league program or event, provided the member can satisfactorily provide evidence that making payment against this fee would bring undue hardship on the member’s household. No Player Member (Micro or Travel) will be permitted to participate in any Logan SC practice session, game and/or Logan SC Team tournament event or program until all past or present fees are paid in full except as stipulated above and approved by two-thirds majority vote of the Logan SC Board Members then serving.
5.01: The annual Meeting of the Members of the Logan SC shall be held on the second Thursday of December of each year at 7:00 PM in the Logan SC Concession Stand or (the Logan Township Elementary School Music Room if the room can be slated by the school for this annual meeting). The Board of Director’s reserves the right to change the time and place as deemed necessary.
The Board of Directors will meet for the purpose of electing new Committee Chairman / Co-Leaders and available Board Member seats (bi-yearly in the case of Officer positions), receiving reports (President and Treasurer, See Sections 8.02 & 8.05 for details regarding these reports), and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. (See Section 6.03 for Term of Office, See Section 7.01 for additional conditions.)
5.02: Notice of meeting – Notice of each meeting may be given in such form as may be authorized by the Board of Directors. Changes to any Regular meeting or notice of a Special meeting must be posted on the Logan SC web site to provide public notice at least 48 hours in advance for a Regular meeting and 24 hours in advance for a Special meeting. (See also Article VI Section 6.05)
There are three types of meetings, Regular, Special and Executive:
a) Regular – A meeting held the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 P.M. through the entire calendar year and open to all Active Members.
b) Special – A meeting that requires special attention, which needs to be conducted prior to the next Regular meeting. The subject matter must be expressed in the public notice and open to all Active Members. Only the subject matter (can be more than one topic) shall be discussed at this meeting.
c) Executive Meeting – A meeting held for private proceedings, which only the Logan SC Board may attend (such as an investigation of charges against a Member, disciplinary action or other matters), In matters regarding an investigation for charges or grievances brought against any Member, certain individuals may be required to attend this meeting to provide testimony for or against said charges or grievances.
5.03: Only a member of the Board of Directors may as they deem necessary call a Special Meeting – except when requested in writing by at least ten (10) Active Members. The President (Vice-President or Secretary in absence of the President) shall call a Special Meeting for Active Members to consider a specific subject. No business other than that specified in the notice of the Special Meeting shall be transacted at any Special Meeting. Minutes are to be kept for all Special Meetings in the same manner as Regular Meetings.
Only the President (Vice-President or Secretary in absence of the President) may call an Executive meeting. Notes will be taken and kept on file by the Secretary but not made public. Only the final determination will be made public at the next Regular meeting.
5.04: Quorum – One-half of the members then serving on the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for voting purposes. No vote can take place without a quorum, at least one-half of the members then serving on the Board of Directors being present at the time of the motion.
5.05: Voting – As described in 3.02, 5.01, 5.03 and 5.04 above and 7.01 below, any Active Member shall be entitled to vote at any Regular or Special meeting of the Logan SC. Only one vote per Player Member’s family is allowed.
5.06: Proxies – Use of proxies (for Active Members and Coaches) shall not be permitted, except for the election of Executive Officers.
5.07: Rules of Order – “The Everything Robert’s Rules Book, Adams Media” Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings, except where it conflicts with the U.S. Constitution and/or Bylaws of the Logan SC. It is emphasized that the members of the Board of Directors act in a professional manner with respect to other Logan SC Members and visitors.
6.01: Boards and Numbers – The management of the property and affairs of the Logan SC shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The number of members on the Logan SC Board shall be not less than five (5) or more than fifteen (15). The number of members on the Board of Directors shall be not less than five (5) or more than fifteen (15) except when a Committee Chairman / Co-Leader was elected where no other Logan SC Board member accepted a nomination to the role of Committee Chairman / Co-Leader. Members of the Board of Directors shall upon election immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office until: the member has voluntarily resigned, has had membership terminated, their membership is under disciplinary suspension or their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. [Note this means the Board of Directors could be as many as fifteen (15) Logan SC Board Members plus as many Committee Chairman /Co-Leaders as we have committees, assuming no Committee Chairman /Co-Leader holds a seat on the Board of Directors.]
6.02: Required Members – the Board of Directors membership shall include the elected Executive Officers, and a minimum of one coach from the Boy’s Travel Teams and one coach from the Girl’s Travel Teams. (See also Article VII for Committee requirements)
6.03: Term of Office – There will be no term limits for Board of Directors members except Officers, which have a (2) year term. However, at the Annual Meeting Active Members may vote in the election for Committee Chairman / Co-Leader positions and Logan SC Board seats filled or unfilled from the eligible candidates. (See section 7.01 for details on nominations and protocol for filling positions.)
6.04: Vacancies – If any vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors, by death, resignation or otherwise, it may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Board of Directors in conjunction with any Active Members present at any Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors or at any Special Meeting of the Board of Directors called for that purpose.
6.05: Meetings – Notice, Quorum and Proxies – The scheduled monthly meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of each month. The monthly meetings will be scheduled at 7:00 P.M. at the Logan SC Concession Stand. See Section 5.02 for Notice requirements. Since meeting times and locations have been preset (See Section 5.01& 5.02), notices are not required. However, in the event of any change to the aforementioned or that of an Executive meeting, the Secretary will be required to notify by mail at least three (3) days before the time appointed for the meeting to the last recorded address of each Board of Directors Member, or by telephone, email or personal notice twenty-four (24) hours preceding the meeting.
In the case of Special Meetings, such notice shall include the purpose of the meeting and no matters not so stated may be acted upon at the meeting.
One-half the total number of the Board of Directors then serving at the time of meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Proxies are permitted (for members of the Board of Directors), provided the President and Secretary have been notified by phone or in person prior to the start of the Board of Directors’ meetings.
6.06: Rules of Order – “The Everything Robert’s Rules Book, Adams Media” Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of ALL meetings, except where it conflicts with the U.S. Constitution and/or Bylaws of the Logan SC. It is emphasized that the members of the Board of Directors act in a professional manner with respect to other Logan SC Members and visitors. (See also Section 5.07).
6.07: Duties and Powers – The Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint such standing (or ad hoc), committees as it shall determine and to delegate such powers to them, as the Board of Directors shall deem advisable and which it may properly delegate.
The Board of Directors may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings and the management of the Logan SC, as it may deem proper. The Logan SC Secretary shall maintain these rules and regulations.
The Logan SC Board shall have the power by a two-thirds vote of all Logan SC Board Members then serving at any Regular, Special or Executive meeting to discipline, suspend or remove any Board of Director or Executive Officer or Committee Member of the Logan SC, in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article III, Section 3.04
6.08: Attendance – Members of the Board of Directors are expected to attend all meetings. However, from time to time, circumstances may prevent attendance. Three un-excused absences during the same calendar year will result in disciplinary action. This action may include loss of membership on the Board of Directors, but not their Active Membership status.
7.01: Nominating and Membership Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint a Nominating and Membership Committee consisting of three (3) or more members.
The Nominating and Membership Committee shall recommend and consider eligible candidates for: (Coaches, Committee Chairman / Co-Leaders, Committee Members, Board of Directors and Officers) and submit as required a slate of eligible candidates to the Board of Directors. Such nominations shall be submitted to the Secretary to be included in the Board of Directors’ Minutes. Elections will be determined by a simple majority vote of the remaining Board of Directors and Active Members at any Regular meeting of the Board of Directors or at any Special meeting of the Board of Directors called for that purpose.
To be nominated you must: Attend a Board of Directors meeting and have a Board of Directors member nominate you, or have a petition signed by 15 Active Members to have your name automatically submitted for consideration with all eligible candidates for the Board of Directors, Committee Chairman / Co-Leader, Committee member or for a Coaches position.
Committee Members, Committee Chairman / Co-Leaders and members for the Board of Directors can be voted for at any Regular or Special meeting for that purpose, provided the Active member is found to be an eligible candidate and a position or seat is available.
In the event that all 15 Board Member seats are occupied during the bi-annual meeting for voting on Officer positions, all Active Members in attendance will vote by written ballot. The eligible candidates would be all 15 incumbent Board Members and any Active Members who were properly nominated. The 15 Active Members with the most votes will now become the new 15 Board Members. From these new 15 Board Members and all Committee Chairman / Co-Leaders, the Officer’s positions will now be elected.
7.02: Finance Committee – The Board of Directors may appoint a Finance Committee if deemed necessary, consisting of three (3) or more members.
The Treasurer and Registrar shall be Committee Co-Leaders.
The Finance Committee shall have the authority to recommend Club Participation / Registration fees, and have the responsibility for collection of such fees.
The Committee shall investigate ways and means of financing the Logan SC including team sponsorships and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors.
The Committee Co-Leaders shall have authority to represent the Logan SC before any governmental, philanthropic, or business organization, which affects club finances.
The Finance Committee will secure the services of an independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to accomplish a review of Logan SC’s financial books and records annually prior to the annual meeting and attach a statement of their findings to the Annual Financial statement of the President and Treasurer.
7.03: Building and Grounds Committee – The Board of Directors may appoint a Building and Grounds Committee if deemed necessary, up to six (6) members.
The Building and Grounds Committee should include the Field Coordinator and two (2) of the Club’s Travel Team Coaches; the Board of Directors may appoint any other members as deemed necessary.
The committee shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and upkeep of all grounds and facilities regularly owned, leased, or utilized by the club for the regular season play and for initial development, construction and readying of all grounds and facilities at such additional sites as the club might acquire for its use by purchase or other means, in which the township does not already perform duties in lieu of the Club.
It shall be responsible for the preparation of all playing fields including but not limited to: setting up the field layouts, erecting the goals, hanging the nets, lining the fields and setting the corner flags.
The Committee Leader shall be responsible for the supervision of field maintenance days.
In light of the responsibilities of Logan Township with the field complex, it will be the responsibility of the Committee Leader to coordinate and facilitate communication with the township building and grounds department.
7.04: Registration and Uniform Committee – The Board of Directors shall appoint a Registration and Uniform Committee consisting of two (2) or more members. The Registrar shall be the Committee Leader.
The Committee shall be responsible for preparing registration forms for each session and the collection and collation of the registrations.
The committee shall secure bids and make recommendations for their purchase of uniforms to the board.
The committee shall be responsible for the proper issuance of such uniforms, cleaning and storage thereof at the close of the season.
7.05: Equipment Committee – The Board of Directors shall appoint an equipment committee consisting of two (2) members.
The committee shall secure bids on needed supplies and equipment and make recommendations for their purchase to the board.
The committee shall be responsible for the proper issuance of such supplies and equipment and for the repair, cleaning and storage thereof at the close of the season.
7.06: Soccer and Coaches Committee – The Board of Directors may appoint a Soccer and Coaches Committee consisting of up to five (5) members.
The Soccer and Coaches Committee Co-Leaders shall be the Club’s League Representatives and be responsible to the Logan SC President for the proper conduct of the Club’s operation. The Club’s League Representatives or his/her designee(s) shall also represent Logan Soccer Club for all South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League functions. The Club’s League Representatives or his/her designee(s) shall be responsible for communicating all South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League decisions to the committee and the Club.
The Soccer and Coaches Committee shall conduct interviews with prospective coaches and recommend qualified candidates to the board. (See Section 9.02 for qualifications).
It shall, during the playing season, at their discretion or at the request of the Board of Directors, observe the conduct of the coaches and report its findings to the President of the Logan SC.
It shall be responsible for researching and presenting potential camps and training programs, which would facilitate the best overall experience for the players and coaches.
It shall, at the request of the President or the Board of Directors, investigate complaints concerning coaches and make a report thereof to the President or Board of Directors as the case may be.
It shall have the authority to develop systems to objectively evaluate coaches, such as Coaches’ evaluation forms and surveys.
The Soccer and Coaches Committee will be responsible for establishing the Club’s soccer policies, and manage the daily operations of the Club.
At the discretion of the Club’s League Representatives a sub committee(s) may be assigned to coordinate one or more of the club’s divisions, which currently include:
• Micro-Mini: 5,6 & 7 year olds and Travel Teams: U-9 Boys / Girls thru U-16 Boys / Girls.
7.07: Communication and Web Site Committee – The Board of Directors may appoint a Communication and Web Site Committee if deemed necessary, consisting of three (3) or more members. The Secretary and Web Master should be members of this committee.
The Communication and Web Site Committee shall be responsible for all public communications. This shall include a club newsletter, which frequency shall be determined by the committee. All public notices shall be reviewed and prepared by the communication committee.
7.08: Auxiliary Committee – The Board of Directors may if deemed necessary, appoint an Auxiliary Committee consisting of the Logan SC Treasurer and one (1) other member from the Board of Directors.
The Nominating and Membership Committee shall have the authority to actively pursue membership to the Auxiliary. It is the recommendation of the Logan Soccer Club that the Auxiliary Committee should have a strong and committed membership.
The Auxiliary Committee shall coordinate the activities of the auxiliary members. The auxiliary shall be involved with all fundraising activities and manage the concession stand.
It shall review and evaluate auxiliary projects for raising money and disposition of profits, and make recommendations to the board.
The Board of Directors shall approve in advance all projects and actions of the auxiliary.
Concession Stand Sub-Committee: – It shall be responsible for maintaining the day-to-day operations of the Logan SC Concession Stand. It shall be responsible for keeping an accurate inventory of all equipment, food, supplies and records of purchases and sales. The financial records of the Concession Stand shall be reported back to the Board of Directors and retained by the Treasurer. It shall adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Board of Directors.
Banquet Sub-Committee: It shall be responsible for researching potential venues for providing a positive atmosphere in which the Logan SC can recognize the achievements of the Player Members for their accomplishments and progression in the programs they were participants.
7.09: Safety Committee – The Board of Directors may appoint a Safety Committee. The Safety Committee’s Leader shall act as the Club’s Safety Officer. The Safety Committee shall consist of up to four (4) members. The Safety Committee shall be responsible for developing and coordinating the Club’s safety policies.
The Board of Directors may appoint other committees, as they feel necessary.
8.01: Officers – The Officers of the Logan SC shall consist of a President, one Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of who shall hold office for two years or until their successors are duly elected.
The Board of Directors may appoint such other Officers or Agents as it may deem necessary or desirable, and may prescribe the powers and duties of each and may fill any vacancy which may occur in any office.
8.02: President – The President shall:
Conduct the affairs of the Logan SC and execute the policies established by the Board of Directors.
Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the Logan SC and report thereon to the Logan SC Board and/or specific Committee as circumstances warrants.
Notify Active Members, Coaches, the Board of Directors, Officers and Committee Members of their election or appointment.
Present a report of the condition of the Logan SC at the annual meeting. This Annual Report should be geared towards reflection (the status of Logan SC and its’ direction), also to convey new goals and ideas.
Prepare and present an annual budget to the Board of Directors and be responsible for the proper execution thereof. The President may elect to have the Treasurer prepare and/or assist preparation of the budget as well as present the Annual Budget at the Annual Meeting. However, the Summary/Review of the previous years’ goals & attainment of them should be presented by the President at the Annual Meeting.
Communicate to the Board of Directors, such matters as deemed appropriate, and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of the Logan SC.
Be responsible for the conduct of the Logan SC in strict conformity to the policies, principles, rules and regulations of The South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League as agreed to under the conditions of charter issued to the Logan SC by those organizations.
Designate in writing, other officers if necessary, to have power to make and execute for/and in the name of the Logan SC such contracts and leases as they may have received prior approval of the Board of Directors.
With the assistance of the Club’s Secretary, the Soccer Committee and Registrar; the President shall examine the Logan SC Registration Form, Logan SC Code of Conduct Form and any subsequent documentation (including but not limited to NJYSA Membership Form, Medical Release Form, copy of Birth Certificate & current picture for Player Pass) and supporting proof-of-age documents of every player candidate and certify to residence and age eligibility before the player may be accepted for selection.
Make committee assignments with the approval of the Board of Directors.
8.03: Vice-President – The Vice-President shall:
In case of the absence or disability of the President, and provided he/she is authorized by the President or Board of Directors so to act, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of that office, and shall have such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President. In the absence of the Secretary, the Vice President shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all scheduled board meetings or may assign another member of the Board of Directors to fulfill this role.
8.04: Secretary – The Secretary shall:
Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth, in addition to such other duties as are customarily incident to the Office of Secretary or as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
Be responsible for recording the activities of the Logan SC and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists collected by the Registrar and necessary records.
Maintain a list of all Active Members (as collected by the Registrar), Officers, Board of Directors, Committee Chairman / Co-Leaders, Committee Members and Coaches and give notice of all meetings of the Logan SC, to the Logan SC Board and all Regular and Special meetings to the Board of Directors, Committees, Coaches and Active Members, which can be accomplished by use of the Logan SC Web site and /or email.
Prepare the Executive Board Meeting Agenda and keep the minutes of all scheduled Executive Board Meetings, and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose. Minutes may also be posted on the Logan SC website.
Conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meetings and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise committed.
Submit results of all voting matters to the President.
Assist the President and Registrar in the examination of Player Member’s Forms and eligibility documents.
8.05: Treasurer – The Treasurer shall:
Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth and such other duties as are customarily incident to the Office of Treasurer or may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
Receive all moneys and securities, and deposit same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors.
Keep financial records for the receipt and disbursement of all moneys and securities of the Logan SC, including all auxiliary funds (which would include the Concession Stand), approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks therefore. The signature of the Logan SC President must accompany the Treasurer’s on all checks in the excess of $1500.00.
Any Active member who is nominated and accepts the nomination to fill the office of Treasure does so with the full understanding he/she is subject to a background check prior to and/or during his/her term.
Prepare an annual budget, under the direction of the President, for submission to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer may be asked by the President to present the Annual Budget at the Annual Meeting.
9.01: Team coaches shall be recommended by the Coaches Committee and selected with the approval of the Board of Directors. Coaches shall be responsible for: The selection of their teams; Recruiting players when the team needs more players to effectively field a team and for the actions of the players on the field and of their parent(s) / guardian(s) on the sidelines as mandated by the South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League. Coaches final approval will be determined after submission of “Background Check” or revoked based on results of the “Background Check”. (See 9.02 for more details)
All player selections as it pertains to participation on a particular team are based primarily on the overall needs of the Logan SC and the required number of players for each age bracket as dictated by the South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League. In any instance where the proper or appropriate placement of a player to a particular team is in question, the matter shall be brought before the Board of Directors. A final ruling shall be made by majority vote by the Board of Directors. (See Section 9.03 for more details on the selection process).
9.02 Coaches Requirements – Any individual 18 years of age or older who exhibits a genuine desire to coach, is willing to accept the Logan SC guidelines for coaching (written or expressed) may request to coach a team. Prospective Coaches should also be advised that they are subject to a “Background Check” conducted by the Township and will be required to fill out a “Disclosure Statement”.
Any individual 18 years of age or older who desires to coach a Travel Team must successfully pass the South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League “F” License course, or required level License for a particular age group, and be able to furnish the appropriate certificate as evidence to the fact. The Logan SC Secretary will keep a photocopy of this and any higher level License on file.
9.03 Player Selection – Only individuals that meet the criteria of Player Member (as specified in Article III, Section 3.02 above) and satisfy the South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League age requirements are eligible to play on a Logan SC team.
The following is the placement criteria for selection of a player to a team:
Procedure for selecting the number of Teams for any given age Bracket.
a. Micro Mini
1. The number of teams will be determined solely on the registration numbers.
2. Should there be a significant number of late registrations, then an additional team may be added, or the late registrants will simply be rolled into the existing teams.
b. Travel Teams
1. The number of teams will be determined by the registration numbers and by the comments made by prospective Coaches, which may indicate that more players are planning to register.
2. Please note that both the South Jersey Soccer League & South Jersey Girls Soccer League require each Club to make a determination of how many teams will participate in each age bracket well before the season begins. As such, this may affect how many players can be used for a particular age bracket. Late registration could affect selection to a team roster.
All Micro Mini Teams:
a. All Players properly registered will be divided as amicably as possible for the coed age groups. The 5-6 year olds will play together; the 7 year olds will play amongst themselves.
b. Each team will have boys and girls, determined as the number of players dictate based on age and gender.
All Travel Teams:
a. Overflow of players for a particular age group yet not enough for two teams:
1) Based on the minimum number needed to field a team, Coaches can attempt to recruit players from a lower age bracket, provided both Coaches agree and the Player wants to move up to the next age bracket.
2) Take players from next Grade Level up that are still age appropriate and ask parents (in order of player’s age) if the player wants to move up to next age level team.
3) Take remaining players in age order and ask parents if the player wants to move up to next age level team.
4) Strongly consider combining two age groups to make two or more Teams in the next age level.
5) Note: Once a player reaches a U13 Team, the teams do not need majority age appropriate player numbers for that team. U12 and Under Teams must have a majority of age appropriate players on all teams.
6) Players that have played up, on an existing team in the previous seasonal year, are eligible to remain with their existing team pending the evaluation results.
b. Potential outcomes of an Evaluation when have enough players for two or more Teams in same age level (For U11 Teams and Older):
1) Have a pure “A” and “B” team format.
2) Split the two or more Teams as evenly as possible.
3) Select the Teams based on players that mesh together the best.
c. Regarding Newly Formed Small Sided Teams (U9 & U10): The following shall apply when player numbers allow two or more teams in the same age bracket.
1) No “True” “A” and “B” team format. Only equally matched teams by splitting the two or more Teams as evenly as possible.
2) Player Evaluations would ultimately provide a ranking system.
3) The Evaluation shall utilize a point system.
4) Results would be used to determine the equally matched teams.
5) A Coach’s child/children would remain with that Coach’s team.
6) All other available Travel Team Coaches will conduct the evaluations to ensure impartiality.
7) The Logan SC Board of Directors must approve all Evaluation forms or methodology prior to their usage for the evaluation process.
d. Regarding Existing Small Sided Teams (U9 & U10): The following shall apply when player numbers allow two or more teams in the same age bracket.
1) Players from existing teams may be “Grandfathered in” for the team, but are not guaranteed a spot on the existing team.
2) Player Evaluations would ultimately provide a ranking system.
3) The Evaluation shall utilize a point system.
4) Results would be used to determine the teams.
5) A Coach’s child/children would remain with that Coach’s team.
6) All other available Travel Team Coaches will conduct the evaluations to ensure impartiality.
7) The Logan SC Board of Directors must approve all Evaluation forms or methodology prior to their usage for the evaluation process.
e. Responsibilities:
1) Board Members in conjunction with the Coaches Committee are responsible for identifying the Coaches and numbers of teams for each age bracket.
2) The Head Coaches are then responsible for recruiting Players to fill their minimum required number of players, provided they do not acquire them from a lower age bracket team without Board permission, when fielding one team per age bracket. (See section 9.02 Sub section a.1 above for exception)
3) The Head Coach and his/her Assistant Coach(es) perform evaluations for (1) team per age bracket.
4) Evaluations for (2 or more) teams per age bracket are performed by the other available Travel Team Coaches. U9 & U10 Teams Player Selections are conducted per 9.03 sub. c. above.
5) U11 and older teams are selected as follows:
i. The two or more Head Coaches of the affected age group will select the type of format for that particular age group. If an agreement can’t be reached amicably, the Board of Directors will make the final format decision.
ii. The two or more Head Coaches and his/her Assistant Coach(es) of the affected age group will select the players for each team. If an agreement can’t be reached amicably on any player(s), the Board of Directors will make the final selection decision(s).
NOTE: Evaluation(s) will be performed at the discretion of the Coaches Committee. Coaches of any team being evaluated will not be able to provide any “scoring” for any evaluated player during the evaluation. However, these Coaches are highly encouraged to participate in the Evaluation process by requesting certain exercises, drills or some specific activity to be incorporated into the evaluation of the Players to provide an opportunity to better rank the players. These Coaches requests can be directed at the entire group or as few as two prospective players.
All coaches of the evaluated teams have input to the final selection of player rosters, but the Board of Directors has final say on any unresolved issue(s).
Regarding Travel Teams: The Coach and Player Member’s Parent(s) / Guardian(s) should come to an agreement as to why a Player Member may move up in age bracket, then the Coach must present a motion of that reasoning to the Board of Directors for a vote, prior to approving the move from one age bracket to another. The Board of Directors has final say in this matter. Any age bracket approval is only good for that specific year.
Logan Residents versus Non Logan Residents:
Rostering Exemption Status: If you have been a Logan resident and played on a Micro Mini or Travel Team, have continued to play for the Logan SC each year (either Fall or Spring session) without interruption, but have moved outside the Logan Township boundaries, you will be considered a Logan Resident for “Rostering” purposes only. (You will still pay non-resident registration fees). Once you have skipped a “Carded”-playing playing year, your Rostering Exemption Status will be revoked. (See Article III Section 3.02 for the Logan SC Boundary definition.)
A Non Logan Township resident Player Member(s) WILL be permitted to take a roster spot on a Travel Team if it precludes a Logan Township resident Player Member from participating on an age appropriate Travel Team. In other words, there is a possibility that a Logan resident player applicant might not be permitted to play because a non Logan Township resident player applicant was selected to the Team roster.
Capping of Non-Resident Players:
1. Micro Mini and Small Sided Teams (U10 and under) – Non-Resident players may not prohibit a resident player from a roster spot provided the non-resident player does not qualify for the Rostering Exemption Status.
2. Full Sided Teams (U11 and older) –The maximum number of rostered non-resident players is unlimited based on roster size according to our by-laws, see paragraph (capping of full-sided team travel).
Capping of Full Sided Travel Teams:
1. Full Sided Travel Teams may be capped at 16 players for a team’s roster for any given year.
2. It will be the sole discretion of the selected Head Coach for any given team to make an exception and utilize additional players on his/her team’s roster, provided the number does not exceed the limit imposed by the South Jersey Soccer League or the South Jersey Girls Soccer League.
10.01: The Board of Directors shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of the Logan SC and it shall place all income including auxiliary funds, in a common Club Treasury, directing the expenditure of same in such manner as will give no individual or team an advantage over those in competition with such individual or team or at the detriment of any other Logan SC team.
10.02: The Board of Directors shall not permit the contribution of Logan SC funds or property to individual teams (which can be deemed as showing favoritism to one or a few teams) but shall solicit some for the common treasury of the Logan SC, thereby to discourage favoritism among teams and to endeavor to equalize the benefits for all the teams of the Logan SC. NOTE: Coaches for a specific Travel Team may solicit funds, independent of any Logan SC fundraiser or event, from the team’s parents and the community as a whole for their own team’s benefit to provide the financing of a tournament, or other soccer related gear such as: Jackets, Warm-up suits, Back Packs, Bags, Banners, etc.
10.03: Neither members of the Board of Directors nor any member of the Logan SC shall permit a contribution of funds or property to any other charitable organization or fund raiser without a two-thirds majority vote from the Board of Directors.
11.01: The Board of Directors reserves the right to amend the “Logan SC Constitution and Bylaws” at any time provided any changes are deemed advantageous to the Club and overall benefit of the membership. Any change(s) must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote by the then serving members of the Board of Directors.